Sunday, March 11, 2012


If you want to hear historical recordings, if you want to learn about great music of all genres or if you  just want music for your listening and dancing pleasure then the East LA Revue is the place for you.
  Steven Chavez, his staff and his fine hosts are keeping the music alive, past and present.

If you hurry you will find listed in the East La Revue Radio section a program that you surely will not want to miss.

  There is a radio documentary which aired on Los Angeles radio station KRLA on July 1, 1983 entitled "Eastside Sound Special". There is great music and interviews with the artists, producers and disc jockeys who helped shaped what we call "The Eastside Sound" The two part special has been edited together for your listening pleasure.

I would like to thank Steven Chavez, the East LA Revue and Rampart Records for sharing this historical broadcast with us. Please sign their guestbook and leave a comment and help support their site. The music and information they share has truly enriched my life and I know it will yours too.

Please follow this link to the East LA Revue site:


Solely for historical, educational & listening pleasure.

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