Saturday, March 17, 2012


  This was Little Julian's last record which was released on the Emmo label (Emmo 3302) circa 1963. After this record's release, Little Julian would disappear into obscurity.

  Both sides of the record "Your Careless Love" and "You Will Cry" are classic Eastside Sound tunes. This is my favorite Little Julian record and it's a shame he didn't make more. For more information on Little Julian and these songs please check my EASTSIDE LEGENDS post on Little Julian Herrera.


Solely for historical and educational purposes


  1. Well Little Julian is my favorite Artist I am Lucky and Blessed to have most of his recordings on the Johnny Ottis DIG Label ..But this is one I want in my collection...Awesome......By the way Little Julian the Hungarian with a Chicano heart as i like to say..Was found dead in Elysian Park this was confirmed and publically aired by a dear friend of Little Julian The Legendary Huggy Boy... during Huggys last interview before passing away.....Thanks for sharing the 45......UnsoldChicano of

  2. Thank you for the uodate on Little Julian. He is my favorite artist too. Sorry to hear that he passed away. I know Elysian Park very well having worked in the Echo Park area for 25 years. I had always hoped he would turn up some day and sing us one more tune. Rest In peace Little Julian.

  3. Yeah i have a small article on the story as well.....I'm also from that area Born and Raised in Lincoln Heights about a mile away actually ..Trust me. I did countless hours of research and then unexpectedley I'm listening to Huggy Boys Interview and low and behold hours of research was done in two minutes

  4. Love the Blog by the way Good Job in keeping our music and cultural alive

  5. I know I downloaded that last Huggy Boy interview from somehere but never got around to listening to it. I'm gonna have to dig it up. Thank you for the compliment on the blog. There is so much to do in putting it together & so much research to do but this is my labor of love. I have checked out your site too. Looks great.

  6. Thanks for the compliment on my site Just a small way in trying to keep it alive in my part I will link you Bloc on my site if you don't mind

  7. Little Julian Herrera was great,his records are a little hard to find fortunately I'm lucky to own his 45s essar emmo dig starla,great music rest in peace the one and only little Julian Herrera!!!!!!
