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Friday, June 29, 2012


(Left to right- Johnny Joe Ramos, bass; Bobby Gurrola, guitar; Bobby Rodriguez, trumpet; Don Viray, guitar; Charlie Montijo, lead singer; Albert Barron, sax;
Ronnie Wheat, drums; Arnold Serafin, keyboards; and Joe Vasquez, sax)

A big thank you goes out to Don Viray, guitarist of the Eastside band, Thee Counts for sending me this picture. I had featured Thee Counts 1965 recording of "Someday I'm Gonna Get You" (see Eastside Oldies Part 3).
The record was first released on the Highland label with "So Far Away" (an instrumental recorded by Hank Jacobs in 1963) as the B Side (Highland 1171) in 1965.

You May Listen To Thee Counts "Someday I'm Gonna Get You" Here


The tunes were later released on the Dynamo label (Dynamo 50) in 1966.

The record on either label is rare & highly sought after by Northern Soul collectors.

Don confirmed that the band members are from the East Los Angeles area and that the song, Someday I'm Gonna Get You" won best new record of 1965 on Dick Clark's American Bandstand.

Thee Counts played at The Hop in La Puente, California from the 1999-2003. The group still performs today. Many thanks to Don Viray for his e-mails.

left to right-
(front row- Larry Torres, bass; Richard Mitsunaga, lead guitar; Bobby Garola, guitar)
(back row- Ralph "Harpo" Viramontes, vocalist; Ronnie Wheat, drummer
Art Duardo, sax; Tommy Cavanaugh, trombone; and Charlie Montijo, lead singer)

                       SALESIAN ROCK & ROLL SHOW 1965:


Solely for historical & educational purposes & for listening pleasure.